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Things to consider for developing visually consistent design

There are a lot of visual elements that UI designers must consider in developing an aesthetically consistent design. And if this design process makes you feel like you’re missing out on things, consider that there are some essential elements of good UX design that are lost in the wild.

Design for your target audience.

When designing for a target audience, the designer needs to take an unbiased look at the target's expectations and goals. UX designers typically design for a target audience that will likely be an average user’s age 20 or older. Many designers forget to look beyond the typical users and expect the average user to be as sophisticated as a sophisticated architect. However, that doesn't mean that your design must be "cute" and "perfect."

For a target audience, the most important factors to remember are:

Age: What percentage of a user is currently an adult? What percentage of a user is currently an adult?
Race: How race, ethnicity, gender, physical appearance, or socioeconomic status intersect with what target audience?
Gender: Is gender a defining factor of target audience? Have you ever thought of why women are given more attention and control than men and vice versa? Is gender a defining factor of target audience? Have you ever thought of why women are given more attention and control than men and vice versa?
Religion. Is an app designed to appeal to religion or atheism?
Sex. Is it gender specific for the target audience? Can you be certain which gender should be shown more prominently in the design?

What are some of your design considerations for a target audience?

In other words, design for your target audience is not necessarily about having everything perfectly tailored for their needs. Most design tools have a feature where they display information about demographics (or a target audience). This makes it easy to find relevant information for people in any age, gender, race, ethnicity, etc.

Consider a variety of device types in your design

As mentioned earlier, a user will need a variety of device categories to use your product. Different sizes, screen configurations, types of inputs, and screen resolutions are all important to consider. To be https://brainwavesindia.com/ , the device category does not have to be a physical size, it can be digital or physical, or a mix of both!

For example, if your product will be a voice-controlled app, but users are likely to be on a touchscreen device, consider having the app available in the full-screen mode or a native window. With this kind of product, a flexible screen size will allow the user to adapt to the screen orientation.

Think about how your design impacts the user experience

User experience is a term that we use to describe our experience as a user of the product. In other words, if your product can do something, the user won't hate you for trying to accomplish it. With this in mind, there are two things a website designer should consider:

How does the page design impact the user? Does the page layout look good on all browser? Is the interaction with the user intuitive or difficult? How does the page layout change with a different screen size?

When deciding which screen type to go with, it might help to think in terms of touch screens:

Screen size and orientation determines how users will interact with your design. Consider the most common interface screen sizes on all devices.
If your product isn't going to allow users to use a wide device, perhaps a mobile version is in order? Or perhaps your product is designed to be used with small screens that the user will see and touch. The goal is for the user experience to be as intuitive as possible for a given screen size.